Thursday, 21 October 2010


This photo is one i am going to consider using as my front cover image, 
as it shows Kayley, sewing the garment she has made, this fits in well with the theme of fashion and textiles, and also fits in with the main cover line which will be about a fashion show. This image is particularly useful as Kayley is looking toward the camera with a welcoming smile. This will draw readers in to purchase the magazine as they will see Kayley and wonder what the picture represents.

This image is of two dresses that students from the college have made for themselves, 
I like this photo as i could use it for my contents page rather than my front cover
to show dresses that will be modelled in the fashion show.
This is a close-up of one of the dresses.
I will use it in my contents page.

This again is a close-up of one of the dresses, 
I will not use it for my front cover, i will instead use it on my contents page.

This is an image of a student making the finishing touches
to a garment she has made in textiles, this could be a good 
image to use for my cover as it links well with the cover line 
about the fashion show as the garment could be featured
in the show. The fact the student isn't looking directly
at the camera works well as it shows that she is engrossed in
what she is doing.

This is again an image of a student making the finishing touches
to a garment she has made. It could be a good image to
use for my front cover as she is looking very happy
and showing a little of what textiles students get 
to do in their lessons, also it ties in well with the fashion show coverline.

This is a good image to use as my front cover
as not all of the student's face is covered by her hair 
like a previous image, you can see clearly what she is doing. 
She looks engrossed in the task she is doing, and again it links in well with 
the fashion show coverline so would be an ideal image to use.

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